2.2. Data provided by the monitoring.
2.3. How to download the monitoring data.
2.4. How to access the monitoring.
1. Introduction.
Our Social Listening & Analytics tool allows you to monitor a Facebook page and obtain your report with:
- Statistics on posts: fans and users reached, engagement, negative feedback, people talking about your page, viral reach, CTR.
- Page statistics: total likes, the evolution of fans, organic reach, viral reach, total reach, committed users.
- Top posts: posts with more engagement.
Please note that Facebook only allows you to analyze the business pages you manage.
Below, we show you how to monitor a Facebook profile.
2. Step by step.
2.1. Create your monitoring.
1) Log in to your Cool Tabs account. If you are not registered yet, you can check the tutorial: How to create an account on Cool Tabs.
2) Go to the "Monitoring" section.
3) Click on the 'Facebook Page' option.
4) Associate a Facebook profile to your Cool Tabs account. Make sure you have administrator permission for the page you want to monitor.
If you have problems or doubts about associating the profile, check our tutorial: How to link a Facebook or Instagram profile to create sweepstakes or monitoring.
5) Once the Facebook profile is associated, the list of fan pages managed by the profile you have linked will appear. Select the Facebook page you want to monitor.
The profile to be monitored must have at least 30 fans.
The tool will begin to analyze your posts and, in a matter of seconds, we will show you the data and graphs related to your profile and your publications, and the comparison with your competitors.
Below, we detail the data you will find.
2.2. Data provided by the monitoring.
2.2.1. General profile statistics.
The tool collects the data resulting from the calculation of the average of the last 20 posts made on your fan page.
To make the comparison with your competitors, we will always choose fan pages with a similar number of fans, but you can choose to compare it with pages with more or fewer fans than yours.
The data that the tool calculates about your latest publications are the following:
- Fans reached: this is the average number of fans reached by each post (the last 20 non-paid posts) of your page. The percentage is based on the total number of fans of your page.
- Users paid reached: this is the average of users reached by each paid post of your page. These users may or may not be fans of the page, since they may have been shown a paid post on their timeline because one of their friends liked it or commented on it.
- Users organic reached: this is the average of users reached by each paid post of your page (the last 50 non-paid posts). These users may be fans of the page or not, as they may have been shown a post on their timeline because one of their friends liked it or commented on it. The percentage is based on the total number of fans of the page, so it will always be higher than the number of fans reached per post.
- Engagement: it is the average number of users who have interacted with your posts. We assume that a user interacts with a post when they comment on it, share it, click 'Like', or click on some part of the post (on the link, the photo, the video, etc.). This percentage is based on the total number of users who have seen the post, i.e. with respect to the number of users reached organically.
- People talking about your page: it is the average number of users who have performed some action that may cause other users to see the post, i.e. they have clicked 'Like', commented on the post, or shared it. The difference between this one and the engagement is that the previous figure also takes into account people who have clicked on some part of the post, even if they have not performed any other action on the publication. This is based on the total number of users who have seen the post and the percentage, logically, is always lower than the engagement of the publication.
- Negative feedback: it represents the average number of users who give negative feedback by reporting it as spam or hiding it. The percentage is calculated with respect to the number of users reached organically.
- Viral reach: this is the average number of users reached by your posts through an action (clicking 'Like', commenting on the post, or sharing it). The percentage is based on the number of fans. This is the best comparison to know if a post is reaching a lot of people or not.
- CTR: this is the number of users who clicked on a post, either to see a shared link, watch a video or a photo, etc. The CTR percentage is based on the number of unique impressions of each post, that is, with respect to the number of users reached organically.
2.2.2. General insights of the fan page.
In addition, you will get several graphs related to the overall data obtained from your Facebook page:
- Total page likes: find out if there are days of higher growth and why. In this graph, we mark the beginning and end of your Cool Tabs campaigns, so that you can see if they have led to a significant increase in the number of fans or not.
- History of your fans: you will be able to check the evolution in the number of fans if there has been a day in which you have lost more fans than you have gained and when you have gained or lost more fans, as well as which days are noteworthy in this regard. You will be able to know which content has been liked and which has not, or if the effectiveness of your ads has been as and when you wanted it to be.
- Organic reach: this is the percentage of users reached each month organically, in relation to the number of fans of the page. With this graph, you will be able to know if you reach an adequate number of fans in relation to your total number or not. You will see a series of points that show the organic reach of your publications, that is, the number of organic impressions of the post. You will be able to relate the peaks where the percentage of fans reached is higher with the post or posts that have generated that reach.
To check which posts have achieved more fans reached organically, just position the mouse over the points of the graph showing the users reached by the post.
- Viral reach: this graph shows what percentage of users have been reached thanks to the viral actions of other users, that is, thanks to those who have shared, commented, or clicked 'Like' on your posts. This percentage, like the previous one, is calculated with respect to the number of fans of your page. In addition, in this graph, you will see a series of points that show the viral reach of your publications, that is, the number of viral impressions of the post. T
To see which posts have been the most viral, just position the mouse over the points on the graph showing the users reached by the post. This way, you will be able to know which posts have achieved the highest viral reach.
- Engaged users: the percentage of users who have performed an action on one of your posts (clicked on a link, photo, video, etc. or shared, commented or clicked 'Like'), in relation to the number of users reached by the page.
2.2.3. Published posts.
You will be able to check all the publications made in the period analyzed. You can sort them so that they appear according to the number of comments, likes, times they have been shared, viral impressions, etc.
From the left sidebar, clicking on the 'Posts management' section, you can access the management of your fan page's posts. In this section, you have the option to filter them by start and end date, in addition to filtering by the type of post and status.
2.3. How to download the monitoring data.
You can download a PDF report with all the data obtained and/or a PPT report with all the results. Just click on the 'Download reports' button.
2.4. How to access your monitoring.
You can access to review your monitoring data, whenever you want, from the main list of your monitoring.
To view the monitoring analysis, click on the 'View' icon, as shown in the following image.
3. Other specifications.
The use of the Social Listening & Analytics tool is available in all our plans.
It is also possible to use it during the 7-day free trial period. This allows you to try any of the platform's plans for free and without limitations.
If you have any questions during the process, do not hesitate to contact us at help@cool-tabs.com.
4. Related Content.
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