2.1. How to manually customize the URL.
2.3. How to review campaign conversions.
1. Introduction.
When you launch a campaign through digital channels, it's crucial to know where your participants, voters, and visitors are coming from, and to understand your conversion rate so you can improve it. Without reviewing this data, you won’t know what works, what doesn’t, or why. You also won’t be able to make adjustments or improvements for future campaigns.
It’s necessary to customize your campaign’s URL to track user data.
Additionally, at Cool Tabs, we offer the option to generate custom link campaigns. You also have the option to manually customize the URL with UTM parameters, allowing you to precisely measure the performance of your campaigns.
In this tutorial, we'll explain both options.
2. Step by step.
2.1. How to manually customize the URL.
By adding parameters like utm_campaign and utm_source to your URL, you can better understand how users are arriving at your campaign and which traffic source is most effective. This is crucial for optimizing your future marketing strategies.
2.1.1. Define the parameters you need.
In Cool Tabs, the UTM parameters you can use are:
- utm_campaign: Indicates the specific campaign or initiative (e.g., utm_campaign=holiday_promotion).
- utm_medium: Identifies the medium through which the user arrived (e.g., utm_medium=social).
- utm_source: Shows the traffic source (e.g., utm_source=facebook).
- utm_term: Identifies the search term that brought the user (e.g., utm_term=home_rate).
In addition to these four UTM variables, you can also add:
- crm_id: This parameter can be used to identify a specific user in your CRM.
- crm_info: Additional information about the user profile (e.g., preferences or personalized details).
2.1.2. Manually build your URL.
To create a URL with UTM parameters, add the parameters to the end of your link, preceded by the ? symbol and separated by &.
2.1.3. Share your custom URL.
Use this URL in your campaign, whether it's on social media posts, newsletters, or any other channel.
When users participate in your campaign, the UTM variables (along with any other information provided, such as crm_id or crm_info) are automatically stored in the Cool Tabs database. This allows you to later analyze the traffic source, the most effective campaigns, and other relevant details.
2.2 Campaign URL generator.
You can also use our link generator to automatically customize the URL for your campaign.
1) Click on the 'Publish' section of the campaign you want to publish.
2) At the bottom of that page, you will find the Campaign URL generator. Give a name to the campaign you are going to create and click on the 'Continue' button.
3) Once done, a series of personalized URLs will be generated, so you can use it on Facebook, Facebook Ads, Instagram, Twitter, newsletters...
We collect the most common sources, but if any of the ones you need are not among the ones we provide you, you may choose the 'Other sources' one. You can create as many campaigns as you need.
2.3. How to review campaign conversions.
Once you have published the campaign in different channels, with its personalized links, and it starts to have participation, the conversions from different media will be registered.
To access this data, go to the 'Leads' section of the campaign.
Within 'Leads', in the left panel, click on 'Stats'.
In the 'Conversions' section, you will find all the information related to the conversions that the campaign has had: the funnel of total conversions and conversions by source and campaigns.
In the 'Conversions by day and source' section, you will find all the conversions that have been generated by the source, as well as the information on the dates and the number of users that have reached the form and completed it.
3. Other specifications.
The campaign's URL generator is only available for our Cool Promo and Cool Promo White Label apps.
If you have any questions during the process, contact us at help@cool-tabs.com.
4. Related content.
Statistics on your campaigns provided by Cool Tabs.
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