1. Introduction.
In your campaigns created with the Cool Promo and Cool Promo White Label applications, included in the Gold and Diamond plans, respectively, you have the option to configure a footer on all pages.
2. Step by step.
2.1. How to set up a footer.
You can add the footer from the 'Design' section, 'Content' tab, of your campaign edition. Note that the footer will be painted on all pages.
You can include text, images or add HTML.
Below, you can see an example of a campaign in which a logo has been included in the footer.
2.2. Advanced customization with variables.
The footer supports the use of customization with variables. You can use variables common to all pages of a campaign. So you will not be able to use a variable that is only painted, for example, on the “Thank You” page.
2.3. Custom HTML.
In campaigns with custom HTML, to paint this content in the HTML, you must use the variable {{{ campaign_footer }}}.
Example of HTML:
<html {{{ cool_tabs_html_attributes }}} > <head> <!-- {{{ cool_tabs_head }}} --> </head> <body {{{ cool_tabs_body_attributes }}} > <footer> {{{ campaign_footer }}} </footer> </body> </html>
3. Other specifications.
Keep in mind, that the footer is incompatible with roulette campaigns.
If you need to set up a campaign footer and a different footer for the participation page, please contact us at help@cool-tabs.com.
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