1. Introduction.
With Cool Tabs, you can create a photo contest with an entry form in which, in order to participate, users must upload a photo and fill in a data form.
In addition, the Cool Promo White Label application has an added functionality for your photo contest. It allows you to include a watermark on the images uploaded by the participants.
If you have not yet created your photo contest, you can follow the tutorial below:
How to create a Photo Contest.
2. Step by step.
1) From the campaign edition, go to the 'UGC Campaigns' tab in the 'Entry form' section.
2) In the 'Photo competition' section, which you will have previously had to configure, check the option 'Add a watermark to images uploaded by participants'.
3) Upload a PNG image with transparent background.
4) Indicate the position where it should be placed and the scaling percentage, to increase or decrease the watermark in relation to the image uploaded by the participant.
2.1. Watermark requirements.
When creating an image for your photo contest watermark, you should keep in mind:
- Entrants' images are usually displayed with a width of 397px (except for the image displayed when sharing on the Facebook wall, which can be customized with the watermark and has a width of 768px).
- If you want it to fill the full width, upload an image of at least 768px. The application will reduce it proportionally, if necessary.
- If you want it to fill only a part of the image, you can upload a smaller watermark and decide where to place it or play with the scaling percentage.
- Be sure to upload a PNG or GIF with a transparent background.
Below, you can see an example of how a participant's image would look.
3. Other specifications.
The Cool Promo White Label application, included in the Diamond plan, is the one that allows you to configure the watermark.
If you have any questions or need help setting up the watermark in your campaign, contact us at help@cool-tabs.com.
4. Related content.
How to create a Photo Contest.
How to create a Photo Contest on Instagram.
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