3.1. Access to the email-sending tool.
1. Introduction.
The email automation tool allows you to customize and send response emails to users who participate in your campaign.
These mailings can be configured manually or automatically:
- Manual sending. With this option, you will be able to send an email on demand to the participants of your campaign, whenever you want. E.g.: a reminder of the campaign dates, information about winners, etc.
Automatic sending. You will be able to send emails to participants individually and automatically according to certain conditions. E.g.: after participating, if they have won, if they have not won, depending on whether they have obtained a final screen or not, etc.
In addition, you will be able to configure the email subject, use your own HTML template and attach any type of file.
2. Ideas and examples.
- You want to send an automatic email to the participants of an Instant Win in which you inform the winning participants of the prize obtained and how to validate it. And to the non-winners, you give them a discount coupon.
- The winners of your sweepstakes will receive a discount code, and you want this code to be sent to the participant's email right after participating.
- You want to send a personalized email to a certain group of winners. E.g.: in sweepstakes, you want to send an email only to those who have won a certain prize.
- The emails received by the participants will be filtered by dates or by a certain score. E.g.: in a quiz by points.
3. Step by step.
3.1. Access to the email-sending tool.
From your campaign editor, you can configure the sending of emails in the 'Emails & SMS' section, and click on 'Manage your campaign and SMS templates'.
Then select the 'Email' tab and click on 'New email template'. You can add as many new templates as you want to send.
3.2. Email personalization.
3.2.1. Basic data.
Within each template, you can configure:
- Internal name: this is a name to identify it internally. Users will not see this name.
- Sender's name: this is the name that will appear next to the email subject.
- Sender's email address: by default, noreplay@your-promos.com appears. If you want to customize it, see the tutorial on How to customize the domain from which emails are sent.
- Reply email: when users reply to the email, their replies will be sent to this address. Normally, an address such as noreply@xxxxx.es is used. In this way, the participants will understand that it is not an email that is answered and that they will not get a reply.
- Email subject: the name of the subject that the email recipients will see.
- Email body: in this field, you can include your own HTML or, if you don't have it, the text and/or image you want to show in the email.
- Attachment: the file attached in this field will appear in the email.
- Use my own HTML template: by activating this option, the HTML template you configure for the email will be used. If you leave it blank, we will use our default template.
3.3. Type of delivery.
3.3.1. Manual delivery.
With this option, you will be able to send an email on demand to the participants of your campaign whenever you want. Once you have chosen this option, save the template.
Once saved, the template will appear in your 'Email Templates'. From there, you can send a test email (and preview it in your browser) and send the email manually.
When you click on the 'Send email manually' option, you will see the following options:
A) Send to all participants. The configured email will be sent to all the participants of the campaign.
B) Send to a specific set of winners. Once the winner(s)/substitute(s) have been selected, in this tab you will define the "group of winners". In case you want to send the template to the winners of your campaign, check this option.
C) Send to an audience. You can email any audience you have created in your account. You can manage the audiences in the "Account" section and create them from an Excel file. See the tutorial on How to email an audience outside your campaign.
D) Send to a group of participants chosen from a custom filter. With this manual sending option, you can filter by certain conditions. You can filter by:
- Initial and end date of participation
- Range of points that the participant has had to obtain
- The user has a coupon code
- Region
- Social network (if the user has logged in with any of these platforms)
- Participation status (the email will be sent to all participations or only to those that are published or unpublished)
- List of emails to which you want to send your template.
In campaigns where users have to validate their email, the "Filter by email verification" option will appear, where you will be able to filter by verified email or email pending verification.
Other options:
- Do not send it to participants who have already received this email.
- Include xxx as a blind copy of the emails. When this option is activated, the email template will be sent as a blind copy to the campaign administrator.
3.3.2. Automatic delivery.
If you choose automatic delivery, you must configure the conditions that the participant must meet in order to receive the email.
When do you want the email to be sent?
A) After participation.
The user will receive the email after participating with one of the following conditions:
- In any case: the participant will receive the email regardless of the final screen he/she gets.
- The instant winner is: this email will only be sent to participants who get the winning moment you determine.
- Has any instant winner moment: it will only be sent to users who get any winning moment.
- Does not have any instant winner moment: users who have not won any Instant Win prize will receive this email.
- Thank you screen is: it will only be sent to the participants who get the final screen you determine.
- N points scored: will only be sent to participants who have obtained a score between the scores you set.
B) When the participant has pending moderation.
In a campaign with moderation, the email will be sent when the user has filled in his data. You can use this option to inform them by email that their participation is pending moderation.
C) When the participation is rejected.
In a campaign with moderation, the email will be sent when the user's participation is rejected by the administrator.
D) When the email is pending validation.
In campaigns with email validation, it will be the email that will be sent to request the user to validate his email. In the email you configure, you must include the text {{{ validate_email_url }}} or {{{ validate_email_link_tags }}}. We will replace the variable with the link that participants must click to validate their email.
4. Other specifications.
The use of the email automation tool is included in the Gold and Diamond plans. It is limited to 2,500 and 5,000 emails per month, respectively.
In case you want to send more emails, you can buy email packages by contacting us at help@cool-tabs.com.
If you purchase email packages, they will start to be used when the free emails are used up. At the beginning of the month, the free emails will be renewed and will start to be used up. The sending of emails from the paid package will be "frozen", to continue to be used in case the free monthly emails are used up.
5. Related content.
How to check the email statistics.
How to email users alien to your campaign.
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