2.1. Restriction by a single region.
2.1. Restriction by postal code.
1. Introduction.
When configuring the instant wins or winning moments of your Instant Win campaign, it is possible to make the option of winning a certain prize subject to the participant fulfilling certain conditions. For example, they must have obtained a certain score on the quiz, their participation must come from the newsletter you have sent, or they must participate from a certain province.
Here are the conditions or restrictions that you can configure in your Instant Win campaign and how to set them up.
2. Step by step.
2.1. Restriction by a single region.
This restriction allows users who participate from a specific region/s to win a specific instant win.
1) Go to the 'Entry Form' section of the campaign edition.
2) Activate the 'Region' option, as a mandatory field, and select 'Do not allow participation from these provinces'.
3) Click on 'Save and edit' to save the changes made.
4) Go to the 'Individual Instant Winners Management', in the 'Instant Wins' section of the campaign edition, and edit the original Instant Wins you have configured.
By checking the 'Region' field of the entry form, in the individual instant win edition, the option to restrict winners from a region will be activated. It determines the region that the participants will have to select in order to have a chance to win that instant win. If they select another region in the entry form, they will not be able to win it.
2.2. Restriction by postal code.
This restriction allows an instant win to be assigned only to users who participate from a specific postal code.
1) Go to the 'Entry Form' section of the campaign edition.
2) Activate the 'Postal code' option in the 'Entry Form' section of the campaign edition.
3) Click on 'Save and edit' to save the changes made.
4) Go to the 'Individual Instant Winners Management', in the 'Instant Wins' section of the campaign edition, and edit the original Instant Wins you have configured.
By checking the 'Postal Code' field in the entry form, in the individual instant win edition, you will have activated the option to restrict winners by postal code. It determines the zip code that participants will have to include in order to have a chance to win that instant win. In this way, only those who participate with those zip codes will be assigned prizes.
- You can specify one or more zip codes
- You can enter the generic zip code of the region, e.g. for Madrid 28%, or a specific zip code, e.g. 28045
- Only digits, letters and '%' as a wildcard character can be used
- Examples: '28020', '28020,28001', '28%', '28%,48%', '28%,48930'
3. Other specifications.
The Cool Promo and Cool Promo White Label applications, included in the Gold and Diamond plans, respectively, are the ones that allow you to set up an Instant Win campaign.
You can also create your Instant Win with the 7-day free trial, which allows you to test any of our plans.
If you have any doubts or questions during the process, do not hesitate to contact us at help@cool-tabs.com.
4. Related content.
How to create an Instant Win campaign to give out instant win prizes.
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