1. Introduction.
With Cool Tabs, you can configure and customize different types of questionnaires or quizzes (personality quizzes, knowledge tests, opinion surveys, customer satisfaction surveys...).
The Cool Promo and Cool Promo White Label applications, included in the Gold and Diamond plans, respectively, are the ones that will allow you to create a quiz, with different questions and answers (multi-answer, free text...).
You can also create your questionnaire with the 7-day free trial, which allows you to test any of our plans.
2. Step by step.
2.1. Create your campaign.
First, you must create your campaign and configure the basic setting. Is it your first time creating a campaign with Cool Tabs? In the following tutorial, we will show you how to configure the basic sections of a campaign, as well as other recommended settings, to ensure its proper functioning and maximize results.
How to get started on creating a campaign: basic settings.
If you have any questions during the process, you can contact us at help@cool-tabs.com.
2.2. Configure the quiz.
To configure the quiz, go to the 'Quiz' section of the campaign editor. In this section, you will be able to add the questions and answers to the quiz.
2.2.1. Types of quizzes.
Determine what type of quiz you want to create.
1) I do not want to assign points or categories to the answers. By activating this option, no points or categories will be assigned to the answers.
2) Quiz with points for right answers. By activating this option, you will be able to assign points to each correct answer. Write 0 if it is an incorrect answer, or assign at least 1 point if it is a correct answer. You will be able to assign more points to more difficult questions.
If you want to create a quiz with points, see the tutorial: How to create a trivia or knowledge quiz.
3) I want to create a personality test.
By activating this option, you will be able to assign categories to the answers (A, B, C, D…).
If you want to create a personality test, see the tutorial: How to create a personality test.
2.2.2. Other quiz settings.
We return to the rest of the options that appear in the 'Quiz' section:
1) 'Basic data' tab.
In this tab, you will also find the option to configure the quiz structure.
- Display quiz questions on a different page and personal data on another. By default, questions quiz are displayed on different pages (step by step), and the personal data form is on another one.
- Display quiz questions and personal data on a single page.
- Display all the quiz questions on the same page and the personal data questions on another one. The option to display the data form before the quiz can only be set when all quiz questions are displayed on a single page. In quizzes step by step, where one question is displayed after another on different pages, the data form is always displayed at the end. The reason is very simple, it generates rejection and there is a high probability of abandonment. Because, if you ask for data at the beginning, and then the user has to answer endless questions, there are many options to abandon without completing it.
2) Tab 'Advanced'.
When a user answers a question, the next one will be displayed automatically. This option makes the quiz more agile because users will not have to click "Next" to move to the next question. However, if in your quiz you want to indicate to the participant, right after answering, which is the correct answer and why do not check this option.
Feedback message after answering. When users choose an answer, you can tell if to display additional information. In addition, you will be able to upload an image that will replace the question image.
. In this way, we will give the user time to see the feedback.
Display quiz steps number.
Number of random questions. If you want the participants to answer a number of questions that the application will choose randomly among the ones you configure in this section, indicate how many random questions will be asked to each participant in this section.
3) 'Entries page' tab.
When participants submit their answers, they will see a summary of the answers of all participants. Once the participant submits his/her participation with the chosen answers, he/she will see a page with a summary indicating which answers have been chosen by the other participants.
Show user answers to everyone (public): Enabling this option means that responses marked as ‘public’ will be shown to everyone. It is usual that responses, where creativity or participant opinion is required, are made public, but not those that involve answering something correctly.
Display a public page with the summary of answers chosen by all participants.
Displays participant's own score. In this way, the user will be able to check how many points he/she has scored (in quizzes by points).
4) About the quiz questions.
You can include as many questions as you want and decide if it is mandatory to answer them or not.
Questions can be of various types:
- Only text, meaning only include the question itself. Example: “What is your favorite item from our new collection?”
- Text + Image: This type is often used to guess what or who appears in the image, but it can be used for any type of question in which the image provides information. Example: “What brand is this bag?” + Image of a bag of Lancôme.
In the 'Design' tab of the question settings, you can add:
- Image accompanying the question: optimal size 628 x 353px.
- Background image: you can add a background image for each question in the quiz. Optimal size 810px x unlimited height. The height may vary depending on the number of answers.
- Display a video with the question.
Check the tutorial: What types of questions and answers can you include in a quiz or survey?
In the 'Advanced' tab:
Answers to this question will be public (visible to everyone). With this option checked, answers given by users to this question will be visible to everyone (if participation is visible to everyone also). If you ask for personal data, please uncheck this option.
Display this question in the summary page of answers given by participants. If you do not want to include this answer in the summary, uncheck this option.
Random question order: the order of the questions will not be the same.
Time limit (in seconds) to answer the question.
This question will only be displayed on certain dates. For example, if the question has to do with the result of a sports game, you should set the dates up so that participants don't answer this question after the game has already started.
5) About the quiz answers.
You can include as many answers as you want, and they can have an image or video. In addition, depending on the type of quiz you have previously chosen, some options will appear or others:
- Answer.
- Enable additional text field. In this field, the user will be able to write another answer if none of the other options given (Others) apply.
- Display as a textarea instead of a regular input field (for longer answers). This option will appear when enabled as a textual answer type, which will make that text box larger.
In the 'Design' tab:
- Image accompanying the response. Optimal size: 300 x 168px.
- Show a video with the answer
- Description of the image or video. This text will accompany the image or video of the answer as an explanation of the answer.
Check the tutorial: What types of questions and answers can you include in a quiz or survey?
2.3. Other settings.
2.3.1. Final screens.
To start customizing the final screen, go to the 'Final Screen' section of the campaign editor.
You will be able to configure:
- A default screen for all participants.
- Customized screens according to the points obtained in the quiz.
To configure the final screens, see the tutorial on How to configure the 'Thank you' page or result screens.
2.3.2. Winner selection.
If your quiz or questionnaire is linked to sweepstakes, once the participation period has ended, you will be able to start the selection.
To select winners, you can consult the tutorial on How to select winners and obtain your Certificate of Validity.
3. Other specifications.
If you have any questions during the process, do not hesitate to contact us at help@cool-tabs.com.
4. Related content.
Create your questionnaire now.
How to access the URL of your campaign in order to publish it.
How to create a Trivia or Knowledge Quiz.
How to create a Personality Test.
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