Instant Win campaigns are those in which the prizes are programmed, in date and time, so that they are distributed instantly among the users. Participants don't have to wait until the end of the campaign to know the result of the sweepstakes. After participating, they find out if they have won.
These characteristics mean that in this type of campaign, some users carry out unethical practices in an attempt to win, such as, for example, participating with fake emails.
In this tutorial, as a manual of good practices, we want to recommend certain features that you have when setting up your Instant Win campaign with Cool Tabs, which will ensure its proper functioning.
1. Register with social login.
It is quite common for users to participate with fake emails. To avoid this, activate registration with the main email providers: Gmail, Microsoft/Outlook, and Yahoo. You will cover a large share of the email client market.
Other social registration options are also available, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, or Twitch.
In addition to being an ally to obtain verified emails, the social login boots conversion, since it allows the user to complete the form fields automatically, with the data provided by the social network or platform itself.
2. Disable anonymous login.
The anonymous login is one that allows the user to participate without having to register with a social network, by filling in the form data himself/herself. This makes it more difficult for some users to participate with fake emails.
If you want to minimize the chances of users participating with fake emails, disable anonymous registration.
In case of allowing participation with anonymous login, we recommend you configure the email verification. Another good practice, which we explain in the next point.
3. Verify the email with a validation email.
When configuring the data form, you have the option of asking the participant to verify their email. You should opt for this functionality in campaigns with anonymous login because if you do not configure the email verification, the same user could participate with false emails countless times.
Email verification works as follows. After completing the data form, the participant receives a validation email to the email address provided. Only once the email has been confirmed, he/she will be considered as a participant in the campaign.
Please note that in Instant Win campaigns, the prize is not assigned after filling in the form, but when the user validates his/her email.
To configure the email verification, please refer to the tutorial How to activate the email validation of the participants after participating.
Before activating email verification, you must take into account the total number of emails you have available in your Cool Tabs plan.
4. Restrict prizes access.
Exclude participants who have already won. In the 'Exclusions' tab of the 'Instant Wins' section, enable the option 'Forbid any user to win more than one Instant Win in this campaign'.
Just so you know, this feature won't work if you allow anonymous login without email verification. The same user, who has been a winner, could participate again with fake emails and win again.
5. Restricting users' participations.
5.1. IP.
Limit participation by IP to a certain number of times. With this restriction, you will prevent a user from participating many times with different valid emails (his/her own and family members' emails) from the same connection.
Note that if different users participate from the same home or office, sharing a router, these participations will be counted from the same IP and, therefore, they will not be able to participate.
5.2. Country.
If your campaign has a specific geographic scope of participation, limit participation to that specific country or countries. Thus, only users accessing from the countries you specify will be able to participate in the campaign.
In the 'Entry form' section, activate the 'Country' field as mandatory. And, in the 'Restrictions' tab of the 'Participation' section, set the country or countries from which participation is allowed.
5.3. Region.
If you want to distribute prizes based on the region from which users participate, set the restriction by region. So that only users who participate from the region you set will be able to win a certain instant win.
To configure this limitation, you can refer to the tutorial How to restrict the distribution of Instant Wins by region or postal code.
5.4. Postal code.
The same function as the restriction by region is the limitation by postal code. With this feature, you can determine that only participants who enter the postal code(s) you have configured for each instant win will have a chance to win it.
To configure this restriction, you can consult the tutorial How to restrict the distribution of Instant Wins by province or postal code.
6. Moderate users' participations.
Moderation allows you, as the campaign administrator, to review the participation and check that the winners meet the conditions you have established. The instant win winner will see the message that he/she has won, but that his/her participation is pending review by the administrator.
To activate moderation, you can consult the tutorial How to set up moderated Instant Wins.
7. Distribute unique codes.
If your Instant Win campaign is linked to the distribution of discount or promotional codes to the winners of your campaign, distribute unique codes. On the one hand, this will allow you to keep track of how the promotional codes are used. On the other hand, it will prevent the code from ending up on a promotional website and being used by users other than the winners.
To configure the distribution of codes/coupons in your campaign, you can consult the tutorial How to distribute coupons/discount codes in an Instant Win campaign.
Other specifications
In campaigns where the phone number is requested in the data form, it is possible to set up SMS verification. After the user participates, we will send them an SMS with a link to verify their phone number. Until he/she confirms his/her email, the participation will not be considered valid. This option has an additional cost, and it is available on demand.
If you have any doubts when setting up your campaign, you can contact us at
How to distribute Instant Win prizes according to the answers chosen by the participants >>
How to distribute Instant Win prizes according to the origin of the participants >>
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