2.2.1. Betting Pool with single answer multiple choice
2.2.2. Betting Pool with sports prediction answer.
2.3.1. Display questions on certain dates.
2.3.2. Display a summary of answers.
1. Introduction.
Cool Tabs allows you to create and customize an online betting pool to challenge your users to make their predictions about a sporting event or any other event.
You can enable the ranking of participants to show the participants with the most correct predictions and reward the users with the most correct results, or make a draw among all the participants.
As we will explain below, this type of campaign can be configured in two ways:
- Quiz type with different answer options, from which the participant has to choose one. You can see how this type of campaign is displayed in the DEMO Oscars Betting Pool (quiz type).
- Quiz type with a sports prediction answer, in which the participant has to answer by filling in the answer numerically or textually. You can see how this type of campaign is displayed in the DEMO Sports Prediction Betting Pool.
2. Step by step.
2.1. Create the campaign.
First, you must create your campaign and configure the basic setting. Is it your first time creating a campaign with Cool Tabs? In the following tutorial, we will show you how to configure the basic sections of a campaign, as well as other recommended settings, to ensure its proper functioning and maximize results.
How to get started on creating a campaign: basic settings.
If you have any questions during the process, you can contact us at help@cool-tabs.com.
2.2. Configure the quiz.
Go to the 'Quiz' section of the campaign editor, to start configuring the different questions or predictions.
You must check the option 'Quiz with points for right answers'. In this way, you will be able to set the correct result for each question so that points will be assigned to the participants who guessed. You can then run the draw among all participants, or only among those who guessed.
If you do not want to assign points, check the option 'I do not want to assign points or categories to the answers'.
Next, you will have to add and customize the quiz questions. Type the question in the corresponding field. If you wish, you can add a description. And if it is mandatory to answer that question, check the option.
To configure the answers, there are two options: a single answer among several options, or a sports game forecast answer.
2.2.1. Betting Pool with single answer multiple choice.
In the 'Answers' tab, configure the answer options. Select the option 'Single answer multiple choice'. Then add the answer options.
Leave the score field empty. When the results are confirmed, you will be able to edit the campaign and assign them a score. You can then assign 0 if it is an incorrect answer, or at least 1 point if it is a correct answer.
In the 'Design' tab, you can include an image to accompany the answer. The optimal size is 300 x 168 px. You can also display a video.
2.2.2. Betting Pool with sports prediction answer.
This option is perfect for sports competitions, in which the user is encouraged to make predictions about the results of matches. With this answer option, the participant only has to write his/her prediction, filling in the answer numerically or textually, depending on the configuration you choose.
In the 'Answers' tab of each question, you have to configure the answer options. Select the option 'Sports game forecast'. And determine the points you will distribute for each correct prediction.
By default, the option force numerical answer is checked so that the participant will only be able to answer by typing in numbers. If you want the participant to be able to give textual answers, uncheck the option. In addition, you can limit it so that the user cannot type more than one character.
Add the answer options.
Once the event is over, you will be able to set the correct result, so that the points are assigned to the participants.
In the 'Design' tab, you can include an image. By default, the image you upload is scaled to 300px.
If you have any doubts, you can consult the tutorial on How to create a Betting Pool with a sports game forecast.
2.3. Other settings.
2.3.1. Display questions on certain dates.
If in your campaign there are stages, or you only want to display some questions during a certain period of time, activate the field 'This question will only be displayed on certain dates'. This can be found in the 'Advanced' tab of each quiz question.
This happens, for example, when you set up predictions with the matches of a World Cup, which can last for weeks, but several matches are played on each day. You can make sure that once the match has started, the participants will not be able to set the result.
2.3.2. Display a summary of answers.
You can enable the option so that participants, when submitting their participation, can see a summary of the answers of the other participants.
In this way, once the participant submits his/her participation, with the answer/s chosen, he/she will see in a graph which answer options have been marked by the other users.
To enable the summary of answers, see the tutorial on How to display a summary of answers chosen by all participants.
Below, you can see an example of how the final screen with the summary of answers is displayed in a betting game with several questions. It is displayed as a content carousel.
3. Other specifications.
The Cool Promo and Cool Promo White Label applications, included in the Gold and Diamond plans, respectively, are the ones that will allow you to set up a campaign with predictions.
You can also create a betting pool with the 7-day free trial, which allows you to test any of our plans.
If you have any questions during the process, do not hesitate to contact us at help@cool-tabs.com.
4. Related content.
How to access the URL of your campaign to publish it.
How to create a Trivia or a Knowledge Quiz.
How to create a Personality Test.
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